Erik Harstad har i over 20 år gjort seg bemerket som en av Norges fremste bluesgitarister. Både som soloartist og med band som Buzz Brothers, Male Bluesband og Larsens Last Chance.
Han har gjestet mange av landets bluesklubber og festivaler, og har alltid gitt publikum full valuta for pengene.
Erik spiller med en enorm intensitet og legger sjelen i hver eneste tone han lokker frem fra gitaren. Låtmaterialet er en god blanding av egenkomponert musikk og låter av artister som Freddie King og Ronnie Earl.
I 2017 mottok Erik prisen «Årets musikkformidler» i Ringsaker kommune.
Høsten 2010 startet han opp sitt nyeste bandprosjekt, So What, der han har med seg Nickels & Dimes bassisten Arild Steinsrud og trommeslager Nils Harald Mæhlum.
Dette kompet blir mye brukt, og de har stått på scenen med kjente navn som Reeves Gabrels, David Olney, Jorn og Colleen McFarland.
Nyeste medlem i So What er Kristian Wentzel. Kristian er en veldig mye brukt sessionmusiker, og spiller blant annet med dagens utgave av Funhouse, samt at han gjør jobber med Staffan William-Olsson, Erik Smith and Tom Erik Antonsen, for å nevne noen.
En konsert med Erik Harstad & So What blir aldri kjedelig og det er bare å glede seg!
Erik Harstad Guitar/Voc
Erik has, for many years, made himself known as one of Norway’s greatest blues guitarists. With bands like Buzz Brothers, Male Bluesband, Larsens Last Chance, and as a solo artist, he has hosted many of the countries blues clubs and festivals, always giving the audience their money’s worth of entertainment. The ones listening to Harstad for the first time are astonished by his appearance, emotions and technique. He is serious about every chord played, exerts a high respect for the field, and the music which is without equal.
Arild Steinsrud Bass.
He started his career with Elvis Presley as his big idol, and got his first bass guitar in 1978. Later he toured all across Norway with the band Nickels & Dimes. Arild is also responsible for his own solo project, The Secondhand Smokers. Arild has also worked with others, like Ronni Le Tekrø, The John Doe Index, Jørn Lande, Dag Stokke and Reeves Gabrels.
Nils H. Mæhlum Drums.
Nils Harald Mæhlum has, for Norwegian musicians, been a prominent figure both as a drummer and as a sound technician for more than 30 years . Nils Harald is the proprietor of MLP, a company focusing on concert audio and sound studio. As a drummer he is most known as the man behind the drums in the band Nickels & Dimes, but as a musician and sound technician he has been involved with most genres of music, and is often utilized as a studio musician. Nils Harald has, in the recent years, played with such artists as Narum, Tina Lie, Martine Lund Hoel, Colleen McFarland, Peter Nova and David Olney.
Kristian Wentzel Hammond/Keys.
Kristian was raised in a family of respected and talented musicians. Very young he followed his father’s footsteps and ended up with keyboard as his main instrument. In this setting he is mainly a piano and organ player, but he has also great skills when it comes to synthesizers. He is regarded as one of the best keyboard players in Norway, and this has led him into playing with other great musicians such as Staffan William-Olsson, Erik Smith and Tom Erik Antonsen, to name a few. Kristian is a busy studio & session musician.
LIVE PROMO: https://youtu.be/S6508k9FLo4
Booking: m.l.p@online.no
+47 97034006